Monday, June 14, 2010

Toning Shoes: update

I know it has been a while since I have written about my New Balance rock n' tone shoes.
So far I have only worn them for one week of golf. I had hoped that during that week my legs would be sore and aching. That never happened. After three days they were more tired but no soreness. I did notice a huge difference in my usual back pain, there was none! If they don't tone, I'd wear them for the pain relief. Also, the shoes are suprisingly uber tcomfortable.

Last night I did my first work out in the shoes (I had planned to just wear them on the course but laziness led to working out in them). Last night I noticed my legs tired but not sore. This morning... my calves are SORE! Maybe I'm not a chump after all. So maybe they do work?!

The next weeks and months will tell how much toning effect they truly have. For now, I will not give up hope! :)

Location:Highland Park,Fort Smith,United States